BOVA Strategy
BOVA University Strategy for the first time was developed in 2005 for the period of 3 years 2006 -2008. This strategic document pointed the way of development for BOVA.
7 main objectives were defined for this period with certain tasks.
In 2008 BOVA started to analyse the reached results, performed the SWOT analysis and based on it the WG worked out the BOVA University Network Strategy for the period of 2009-2011 which was approved by BOVA Rectors’ Board in the meeting in Jelgava, February 5, 2009.
BOVA University Network Strategy for the period of 2009 - 2011.
During the 2011 WG on Development of new BOVA Strategy performed brainstorming meetings at each member institution in order to analyse performed actvities and indicate new directions of joint cooperation.
Great input in the development of BOVA Strategy was made by participants of all member institutions during the BOVA Seminar in Kaunas on December 8-9, 2011 at Aleksandras Stulginskis University.
Finally, the BOVA University Network Strategy was approved by BOVA RB on February 3, 2012 at LLU in Jelgava and come into force for the next 3 years period.
BOVA University Network Strategy 2012-2014.
BOVA UN members had big changes during 2012-2014. LLU elected a new rector, all UN members met university evaluation procedures. Regarding these changes, and suggestions, BOVA rectors board agreed in 2015 to work based on new strategy for period 2015-2020.
BOVA University Network Strategy 2015-2020
The period from 2020 until 2025 was challenging for the network. The COVID-19 pandemic practically stopped the network's activities for two years and it took some time to restart. Since the 2015-2020 strategy was approved, there have been many changes in the network: Aleksandras Stulginskis University joined Vytautas Magnus University and continue to function as the Agricultural Academy of the university. Latvia University of Agriculture is now named Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Board members and BOVA coordinators and Coordinating Committee members have also changed during this time. However, the network is now back on track and during a BOVA UN meeting in January 2025 in Kaunas, at the Vytautas Magnus University - Agriculture Academy, the new strategy for 2025-2029 was approved.